Life Over Pain
Life Over Pain is a podcast full of inspiring stores from people with chronic pain and/or traumatic brain injury. Their stories are about how they are not defined by their pain or injury. They describe how they make choices to adapt to their present circumstances to create lives of value despite pain and loss. And, BTW, If you'd like to share your story, or know of someone who might have a story to share, please email LifeOverPain1@gmail.com.
Life Over Pain
Life Over Pain - Heather Richards - An Type A Person with Type B Capabilities
Patti Freeman Evans
Heather Richards watched as the big red truck came at her car. She she couldn't move out of the way. It crushed her body but not her spirit. Heather powered through numerous surgeries and chronic pain to get back to work only to be hit again, this time by a box. Sadly, Heather was unable to get back to work in the way she had known. So she reimagined her life and turned to academics - much of it online. The first in family to graduate college, she has gone on to get her masters and her doctorate. She now teaches and designs curriculum at a college in Massachusetts. Type A personality you say? Yes. But her capabilities are limited. She can't bend over to tie her shoes and can't sit for long periods like the rest of us. Still, she had a baby through all this, cared for an aging relative, has a loving husband and a menagerie of pets. Type A? I say wonder woman.A Note On The Life Over Pain Theme Music:Emily Bielagus graciously and generously composed the lovely theme music for the Life Over Pain podcast. Find her music at Spotify, wildyawp.com, and reach her at wildyawpband@gmail.com.